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Hi, after I found out that bplaced fully banned the Asian IP Range outta no obvious reason and thus noone from there was able to reach my site and due to all the downtimes, I decided to switch from the free hoster bplaced to 1€ per Month is a nice price and all stuff works, even PHP fsockopen. (SVN Activity Feed on the right is the proof.) So its worth it.

EDIT: OK the forum still fails. I am unable to dump the database from bplaced because they took so many rights that their own phppgadmin fails to run on the bplaced site… How lame!

Hi, yesterday the recent pofacs podcast with me being interviewed went online. Happy listening πŸ˜€

Some might know that we had a XBox port of ROS a while ago. It was not really maintained because we had no USB working at that time and its the only way to add a Mouse and Keyboard to the Box. Thus the port at all is fully regressed. To fix it we need a way to receive debug output. Well, Output to file and screen works, but not in the early stages of our bootloader + not in the kernel debugger which halts all File System drivers on access and screen output only works on boot, not in GUI Mode. Here we need a Serial Port and the only XBox with a Serial Port is a DevKit. (NOT the green Debug Box). If anyone has one or knows where to get one, plz mail me.

Hi, OK the DNS seems to be back at a stable state now. Colin moved it to another VM and there it does not fail sporadically somehow. Maybe it didnt like the presence of Doxygen πŸ˜‰


as some already might have noticed, the reactos website is not available right now. This is due to our DNS failing again and again. To fix this, add this to your hosts file (located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc):

Something completely different today. Many of you already heard of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in short ACTA I beleive. Its a secretly discussed document which is meant to become a normalized way to handle eeevul copyright infringement internationally. In theory a good thing, but two negative things. Nr 1: The fact that this is done completely without the public knowing of the ingredients of this agreement is everything, but not democratic. Even worse, the ppl taking part have to make sure that nothing reaches the public. It tends to be pro lobbyists and contra democracy, as every decision of our governments in the recent days… Nr 2: It will contain rules to force providers into responsibility if someone does illegal things over their connections. This will for sure result in something like the Three Strikes Rule we already see in France. This more and moe tends to a moving to the freaky US Copyright models and will help noone except the one having so much money that they can plaster their floors with it. Of course this agreement is meant to just address the ppl making illegal things. (“lololololololrofl”) But its quite interesting to look at the possibilities this will have in the future. Like this funny baby, demanded by Axel Springer Verlag, the ones being responsible for the german shitpaper “Bild” aka “BlΓΆd” and the Budra Publishers. Its called “Leistungsschutzrecht” which would consolidate the monopolic status regarding news and kicking bloggers in their asses if the quote something sounding similar to something the crappapers wrote. And this can happen very fast, because they demand that even parts of sentences and topics are their copyrighted material. So, you blog about a topic being openly discussed in these days and it might sound similar, good, nice, but not in their eyes. They try to weaken free informations you get from the net at any price. So if you blog, you might get your first warning in the Three Strikes Concept in the near future. This is our society… GREAT. I say, FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!

Hiho, after the recent Bugs found after release and not in the RCs strangely (LAZY SCUM! πŸ˜› ) I had to make another sub version, because one bug prevented using the update command…. Its the same as 1.5.1, but all known and discussed bugs are fixed. Have fun, its on


OK, some hours after I released the final, BOOM, critical Bug found. If it just would have been in RosBE 1.5.1, ok, fine, that would be as always, I want ppl test a prerelease and no one cares. But nooo, it already was added in RosBE 1.5 U1 and no one seems to have ever stepped in it. Well, if you have strange Path errors on RosBE startup: FIX

So, after I fixed a last bug in the RC which rendered clean under ps unuseable, here it is. The rest worked well and is still the same as the RC was.



Hi, its been a while, but here it is, RosBE 1.5.1 first and hopefully last RC:


– Updated NASM to 2.08.01 (Daniel Reimer)
– Updated YASM to 1.0.0 (Daniel Reimer)
– Updated SVN to 1.6.11 (Daniel Reimer)
– Readded the old behavior of RosBE to ignore the System PATH Variable. Many ppl will love it as fix for overly stupid installed cygwin and WinAVR Tools.
  To activate it, make a system Variable named "_ROSBE_NOSYSPATH" and set it to 1. (Daniel Reimer)
– sSVN: Make use of the http:// protocol instead of the svn:// one. (Daniel Reimer)
– Add remakex command to RosBE. (Daniel Reimer)
– Add sound output on finished build. On PS we have one for a successful and one for a failed build. On CMD we have just one for now, if you let it generate a LOG File. (Daniel Reimer)
– Made a small modification to be able to ask for help for ps commands in RosBE, too. (Daniel Reimer)
– Introduce %_BUILDBOT_SVNSKIPMAINTRUNK% as first of maybe more coming BuildBot Vars to skip the updating of the main trunk source when ssvn is used to do so. If its being set to "1" it only updates rosapps and rostests if existent. This is needed for Olaf Siejka’s Windows BuildBot project.
  As Default its set to "0" and thus all behaves as before. (Daniel Reimer)
– Fix a access error when you start two builds in the same minute on a PC by adding the seconds to $TIMENAME, too. (Daniel Reimer)
– Clean up $DATENAME which included the year twice. (Daniel Reimer)
– Weaken the ROS Source Dir check in clean a bit so that it does remove the built stuff even if it did not even build any tool yet. (Daniel Reimer)
– Add the correct license to the audio files. (Daniel Reimer)
– If a custom output folder is defined, pass it to log2lines, too. (Mephisto, Daniel Reimer)
– Feature request by Olaf Siejka. The sSVN parameters "rosapps" and "rostests" were originally made for just creating rosapps / rostests repositories in the modules folder. Now it detects an existent repository and just updates that one. If there’s no repository or even no folder for the repository it first generates it and continues. Additionally you can set the revision you want to checkout or update to. "create" accepts a revision as second parameter now, too. (Daniel Reimer)
– Make sSVN fully multi Source Tree compatible by removing the dependency on the _ROSBE_ROSSOURCEDIR variable. (Daniel Reimer)
